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Corrynnes Mandarin, Tangerine and Pine Soap - Coastal Life Surf Supply CoCORRYNNES


Corrynnes Mandarin, Tangerine and Pine Soap

The name Mandarin comes from the fruit that was a traditional gift given to the Mandarins of China. The oil is beneficial for oily skin types, as it is a good toner and helps with acne. It is cold pressed from Australian grown fruit. Tangerine oil is said to soothe over tired children. It is also a good skin toner. It is cold pressed from the peel and grown in Italy. Pine is a powerful antiseptic. The vapours help colds and flu. This oil is dry distilled from the needles of the pine and comes from the USA.

Doesn’t contain palm oil.

Available online & in store at Coastal Life Store Busselton.